Been super busy these last months! Launching a supply store has taken up what little free time I had, but I am grateful that the shop has been well-received. Now if I can just shorten the turn-around time for orders. Thanks to all who have been patient with me on that front. I'm still doing both stores all by my self, which I don't recommend unless your shipping system is well-established but adaptable.
It has been very educational running a different type of store on Etsy. I spend a lot more time on communications in the supply store than I do in the art store. The supply products tend to generate more questions for potential buyers than does the art. And supplies take longer to package. But in most aspects, running both stores is pretty similar.
Good things are happening art-wise. Several new catalog opportunities are brewing, so it ought to become easier for more folks to buy framed reproductions of some of my work soon.
Looking forward to Thanksgiving, as it might give me time to try to get a few more dogs ready in time for the Holidays.
Hope you all have a nice holiday!! Don't overdo it.